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How to make Japanese “Dorayaki” with pancake mix (Recipe)


It’s hard to make dorayaki at home, right?

It’s easy if you use pancake mix. You can also make dorayaki quickly by using ready-made anko (red bean paste).

In this issue, I will show you how to make the traditional Japanese sweet “Dorayaki” using pancake mix. You can easily make dorayaki by using ready-made ingredients, and if you choose pancake mix, you can make the “baked crust” in a shorter time. The baking method is also very easy, so please learn it.

Let’s get started!

Moist and delicious! How to make "Dorayaki" with pancake mix (recipe)



Pancake Mix “Dorayaki” Ingredients

It’s a hassle-free recipe.

It is enough to make four dorayaki of about 10 cm in diameter. The basic ingredients are as follows

ホットケーキミックス どら焼き 材料

  • Anko (red bean paste), as desired
  • 150 g pancake mix
  • 80ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons honey (30ml)
  • 2 tablespoons mirin  (30ml)
  • 2 tsp soy sauce (10ml)

Mirin (sweet cooking rice wine) is not a must-have.

Apart from this, you can also prepare something you want to sandwich and enjoy(^^♪

I prepared these items!

ホットケーキミックス どら焼き サンド トッピング 材料

  • strawberry
  • candied chestnuts
  • cream cheese
  • whipped cream

The whipped cream is the type that you just squeeze. As you may have noticed, all the ingredients can be used as they are. It’s a shortcut.

How to make “Dorayaki” using pancake mix.

Let’s start with making baked crusts.

First, stir the eggs in a bowl.


Add the remaining ingredients. Milk, honey, mirin, and soy sauce.


Finally, add the pancake mix and stir well.


The raw material for baked crusts was made in this way.


Here is what you need to prepare next. A wet cloth will help you bake beautifully.


Place the warmed pan on a wet cloth for 5 seconds to cool. You will hear a sizzling sound. If the surface temperature of the pan is too high, bubbles will form on the surface of the baked crust. It does not look good. That is why it is necessary to use a wet cloth to lower the temperature.


Once the pan is back on the heat, pour the pancake mix in a circular pattern. The heat should be low enough that the tip of the flame does not touch the pan.


Observe carefully while heating over low heat. When holes appear on the surface, as shown in the photo, it is a signal that it is ready to be cooked.


Turn it over with a turner.


Looks good. This side is also heated for about 20 seconds.


It is best to wrap the finished baked crust in plastic wrap and remove it from the heat. This is to prevent them from drying out.


As you can see, I have made enough crusts for four dorayaki(*^-^*)


Then, wrap the desired amount of red bean paste (anko).


Here, chestnut candied sweetened bean paste is also sandwiched. First, put the red bean paste on the skin.


Next, top with sliced chestnuts.


Cover with another baked crust.


Wrap in plastic wrap and shape. Now the dorayaki is ready(^^♪


For ingredients that do not stick together easily, such as strawberries, it is good to apply red bean paste to both sides of the crust like this.


Lavishly topped with strawberries.


Cover with a baking crust.


Similarly whipped cream.


How about cream cheese?


Four dorayaki wrapped in plastic wrap are ready to be served.


How do you like it? I bet it’s a Dorayaki.


Here is a cross-section of a strawberry. Now let’s eat.


Strawberries and red bean paste go well together. The sweet and sour taste is the best.

This is candied chestnuts.


Each was unique and all were delicious. The most popular in my family was the chestnut dorayaki!


“Dorayaki” Trivia

What is the origin of the name “Dorayaki”?

The prevailing theory is that it resembles the shape of a gong, a percussion instrument that is sounded when a ship departs. This gong is called “Dora” in Japanese.

How do I store dorayaki?

It is safe to eat up homemade dorayaki immediately. Those purchased in packaged form are generally stored at room temperature in a cool, dark place. Since the inside of a refrigerator is dry, the baked crust will become dry.

Can dorayaki be frozen?

Can be frozen. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze as airtight as possible. You can also put them in a cooking bag to keep the air out. They can be stored for 2 to 3 weeks. Defrosting is best done naturally (2 to 3 hours). Note, however, that fruits and other items that contain a lot of water are not suitable for freezing.

Why does Doraemon like Dorayaki?

Fujiko Fujio, the author of Doraemon, was a fan of Dorayaki apparently.

▼Check out “Dorayaki”

What are the best ingredients to sandwich in a dorayaki?

Strawberries, kiwi fruit, mandarin oranges, jam, sweetened chestnuts, white beans, custard, whipped cream, butter, margarine, ice cream, chocolate cream, etc.



In this issue, I introduced how to make “Dorayaki” using pancake mix, which can be easily made at home. It is also interesting to note that you can personalize the flavor of the dorayaki by using different ingredients for the sandwiches. Please enjoy making Dorayaki with your family and friends. If you have a family with Doraemon, please tell Dora-chan hello.



コメント一覧 (2件)

  • パンケーキミックスに牛乳と卵だけならホットケーキですが、蜂蜜とみりん、そしてお醤油を加えるとどら焼きの皮が作れちゃうんですね。
    楽しい英語の記事をありがとうございました。<(_ _)>

  • こぴちょあさん コメントありがとうございます。ホットケーキの味醂の効果は「風味を良くする」「しっとりさせる」「焼き目を綺麗にする」が期待できます。省いても良いと書いたのは、無くても出来るからという理由と、外国の方が記事を見た時に「味醂が無いからやめよう」となると悲しいなぁと思ったからです。焼き目を綺麗にするためには、フライパンを一旦濡れ布巾で冷やすのも効果的です。ゆっくり温度が上がるからです。試してみて下さい(^^♪

